A&P Commission hears from Event Center Committee


The Monticello Advertising and Promotions Commission held their October meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, October 23, in the conference room at the Hampton Inn. Commission members present were Shannon Herman, Kim Patel, Annette Taylor, Glenda Nichols, and Al Peer. The minutes from the September meeting were approved, and September’s financial statement was approved. 

The commissioners approved payment on an invoice to CJRW for $418.33 for payment on the website domain. They also approved a $300 invoice payable to Poor Folk Productions for DJ services on Friday, October 20.

The final item on the agenda was Ron Echols visited, on behalf of the Event Center Planning Committee, to discuss a couple of recent excursions to view other event centers. Echols stated that he, along with a few others, had visited Batesville, Heber Springs, Benton, and Bryant. Echols presented pictures to the commissioners which showed design features and layout of the facilities they visited. 

One thing that Echols said he would like to see in Monticello’s event center would be to include a senior citizen center and a Boys and Girls Club. The commissioners agreed that these were needed in the community. 

Echols said that he is planning to have the committee meet again to start putting a plan together to present to the public. The commissioners thanked Echols for the information he provided and said that this was the most information that had been presented at one time since the commission began. The commissioners said that this gives them ideas and a place to begin moving forward.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned until next month’s stated meeting.