DCSD receives grant for literacy instruction


Drew Central School District has been awarded a $120,000 SOAR (Successful Outcomes for Arkansas Readers) grant from the Arkansas Department of Education to enhance literacy instruction and learning for our students. The grant spans a two-year period and will greatly benefit the school district in the area of literacy acquisition and learning in grades preschool through twelfth grade.

Information about the SOAR grant from the Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education is below:

On October 1, 2019, the Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education was awarded a federal Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) grant from the US Department of Education. The Division is required to subgrant no less than 95 percent of the award to eligible subgrantees. At least 15 percent of the grant funds must serve children from birth through kindergarten entry; 40 percent must serve students in kindergarten through grade 5; and 40 percent (split equitably) must serve students in middle and high schools.

The purpose of the CLSD is to award subgrants that advance literacy skills and development. These skills include preliteracy skills, reading, and writing for all children from birth through grade 12. The name of the subgrants awarded to LEAs was changed from CLSD Grant to the Successful Outcomes for Arkansas Readers (SOAR) Grant.

Drew Central will use the monies from this grant over the next two years to purchase needed literacy materials and training to enhance literacy instruction and learning for all students in grades preschool through twelfth grade.  Literacy and reading are at the core of all learning and it is critical for students to be proficient readers in order to become lifelong learners and successful adults.