Lindsey family named Drew Co. Farm Family of the Year


Farming and agriculture are major drivers in the economy and lifestyle of Southeast Arkansas. Each year, Drew County chooses one family as the recipient of the Farm Family of the Year award. This year’s winner is the Lindsey Family of Wilmar.

Now owner Dr. Rocky Lindsey, is a third generation farmer as well as a Veterinarian and Professor at the University of Arkansas at Monticello.

Peyton Place Farms, started by J.S. Gibson, Lindsey’s maternal grandfather, is now the home to sheep, goats, guardian dogs, cattle and timber. In previous years, Peyton Place also held chicken houses.

“Protecting the environment is important to our sustainability,” Lindsey stated. “Through the use of small ruminants we have greatly reduced our need for chemicals. The goats have cleared much of the undergrowth in our set pines. Sheep prefer forbs. So much so, that we have used virtually no broadleaf herbicide in the 70 acres (50 acres of pasture) in which they are fenced. The government programs that have been put in place to help with the feral hog population has made a large difference to our farms, greatly reducing the damage to our pastures. Planting winter annuals such as ryegrass has allowed us to finish beef on grass only. The ryegrass also competes with winter weeds decreasing the use of herbicides where they are planted.”

Peyton Place operates today with Alice (daughter of J.S. Gibson and mother to Rocky Lindsey), Rocky, Alicia, Isaac and Jonah Lindsey.

The annual Farm Family edition with full coverage of the Lindsey’s and their farm operation will publish in June.