The Monticello Advertising and Promotion Commission met March 28, 2022. Members in attendance were Andy Patel, Michael Wigley, Kim Patel Shannon Herman and Annette Taylor. Also in attendance were Joe Burgess, Dan Boice, April Block, Ashley Hogg. The meeting was called to order by Shannon Herman with Roll Call taken.
Minutes and Revenue Reports were not available from the previous meeting.
Meeting Agenda
Welcome Signage Update:
One electrical quote was obtained from Kellum Electric to place lights at the 4 welcome signs. Each sign will have a light on a photo cell and a receptacle for maintenance. Included in the price is trenching from the meter to the light. Total quote is $9800. Entergy will trench from the poles to the meter. Total estimated quote is $600. Michael Wigley made a motion to obtain additional electrical quotes. Seconded by Annette Taylor and passed unanimously.
Easter Egg Hunt:
Contact Lou Lambert with the NAACP and Eric Chisom regarding information on Easter egg distribution. Contact Ryan Copico regarding information on food truck vendors.
Annette create flyers to advertise event and disperse to local schools, churches and childcare centers. April Block volunteered to manage the event.
Administrative Assistant Position:
Kim Patel made a motion to advertise the positon for hire in the local paper and Facebook. Seconded by Michael Wigley. Passed Unanimously. Position will be for 30 hours per week and include benefits.
Items to be Followed Up
Next Meeting
April 5, 2022 at 5:30pm at Hampton Inn.
Respectfully Submitted – Shannon Herman, Vice Chair