Monticello Planning Commission

June 2022 minutes


City of Monticello
Planning Commission
Meeting of Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The regular monthly meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission was called to order by Commission Chair Dan Boice at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. Missionary Lou Lambert opened the meeting with a prayer.

Members present were Nick Akers, Dan Boice, Esbeida Higginbotham, Jay Jones, and Lou Lambert. Kathy Campbell, Bubba Groves, and Ray Ryburn were absent. Boice declared a quorum.

May Minutes: 
Lou MOVED to approve the May minutes as distributed, which motion was seconded and CARRIED.

Public Forum:  There were no comments. 


Report of the Fire Marshal:  Fire Marshal Jones reported on another busy month of permits and then resumed his vacation.


Armory Update:  Jay reported that City Attorney Whit Barton had made some suggestions on a proposed RFP drafted by Jim von Tungeln, and Jay was hopeful that we would have a final draft RFP for the July meeting.


Plan for the City of Monticello: Byron Hicks, CEO of McClelland Consulting Engineers, and two other representatives, presented their proposed Monticello Capital Improvements Outlay plan, which covers fifteen years of improvements to the city’s water system, wastewater system, streets, and drainage. The company had met with various employees of the city to sketch out a prioritized plan for improvements and gathering funding for the work. He and Mayor Chase noted that some funding could come from Covid funds as well as the ANRC. The speakers noted that costs will change, and plans will need to be flexible to meet changing needs over the coming years. Planning Commissioners asked the engineers for clarification and more details on funding sources, prioritizing of projects, and how some of the projects will need to be done in sequence while others will need to be done at the same time. Mr. Hicks asked the Commission to reach out to his firm at any time with any questions or concerns.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m. 

Dan Boice
Secretary pro tem