Monticello School District recognizes Advanced Placement student success


Monticello School District offers Advance Placement incentive program awards for the 2024 end-of-course exams. Knowing that great amounts of time and energy are put into the AP courses they offer, MSD is happy to let students know they are appreciated and recognized for their commitment to learning and for spotlighting MHS.

The State Department of Education Office for the Gifted & Talented and Advanced Placement shares funds with each school district for passing AP exam scores. They give $50 per passing score.

Monticello has graciously decided to further that amount. Students who scored a 3 received $50, students who earned a 4 received $75, and students who excelled with a score of 5  were awarded $100. 

For the 2024 AP scores, MSD is awarding $1,850 to 20 recent graduates and current students.

Thanks to Mrs. Lanehart, MSD Superintendent, the school board, and Mr. Lanehart, MHS principal, for supporting these students who recognize the value of the education provided here and take advantage of it.