Nichols to take Sheriff’s office Jan. 1


Votes have been counted in the run-off election for Drew County Sheriff and Tim Nichols emerged victorious. 

With a total of 2,969 ballots cast, Nichols received 1,693 votes and James Slaughter received 1,276.

“First of all, I want to give honor and praise to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without him I would not be where I am today,” Nichols said. “I also want to thank my family, friends and supporters for all of the confidence you have shown in me when I didn’t even have the confidence myself, so thank you! Many times today and throughout the election I have found myself with mixed emotions. The majority of those emotions were that of humbleness and gratefulness for I know that I am nothing without each of you. To my wife and kids I say thank you, you have dealt with a lot when you didn’t ask for it. However, you done it because you knew that’s what I wanted for Drew County and our families as a whole. To my Dad and Mom, I want to say thank you for being such a positive role model for me throughout my life and for listening to me vent. Dad, you are my hero, never forget that. To the people of Drew County, thank you for the love shown from you and your families. You are the reason why I wanted to do this. I want to be a positive light unto Drew County and serve you and your families with honor and respect. We are family, no matter of our last names or anything else. We are one Drew County and come January 1, 2023, we will be ready to serve you and your families. Again, thank you and never hesitate to call me 870-723-4679.”

In the general election held in November, Nichols received the most votes but did not carry 50 percent of the total, resulting in the run-off.

“I want to thank my family, friends, supporters, and the voters for believing in me and most of all, I want to thank God,” Slaughter stated. 

“It did not turn out the way we had hoped but I want to thank everyone. 

I will continue to do my part as an Agent of the Drug Task Force to keep Drew County safe and a great place to live. I am still available for anyone to contact if there is anything needed from me. Again, thank you.”