The Drew County Quorum Court opened 2025 with their monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, January 13. After calling the roll, all of the Justices of the Peace were present, including recently elected Justice Craig Kaminicki who represents District 7. The court members voted to approve the agenda and minutes from December’s meeting.
The court passed an ordinance establishing the rules and procedures for conducting business at Quorum Court meetings. This ordinance kept the procedures the same as last year, with one exception. Moving forward, all Quorum Court members will serve on the Grievance Committee. An emergency clause was enacted making the ordinance effective immediately.
County Treasurer Charlie Searcy reported that he had presented the court members with a four-year summary of revenue that has come into the County General Account. Searcy added that there has been increased revenue over the past four years and hopes the trend continues this year. Searcy stated that total funds for the county at the end of 2024 totaled $7,654,139.46. This was an increase of around $900,000 from the $6,762,105 at the end of 2023. Searcy added that using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in 2023 and 2024 to make repairs and update the courthouse greatly helped the county. In 2025 those funds won’t be there to cushion County General, Searcy predicted that overall revenue will probably be down for 2025.
Drew County Judge Jessie Griffin stated that broadband is coming to Drew County. There are several providers looking to serve the county. Judge Griffin provided letters from the companies to the court members.
Judge Griffin also told the justices to let him know if any homes in their districts need to clean their yards due to excessive junk and trash. There is a procedure to address the situation.
“There is a difference between having quality treasures in your yard and a bunch of junk in your yard,” Judge Griffin said.
Judge Griffin talked about the RMT Grant that was discussed last year. The county looks to get around $260,000. This will allow county workers to install equipment and software to map county roads and determine which ones need the most urgent repair or pose the greatest safety concerns. This system will cost the county no money thanks to the grant funds.
Judge Griffin said he would give his “State of the County” address at the February Quorum Court meeting.
Danna Carpenter and Amanda Killingsworth came before the court on behalf of Options, Inc. Domestic Violence Shelter. Carpenter, Director of Options, spoke to the court about what Options is and the services they provide to this, and several other counties. Carpenter also asked the court to approve adding Options as an option for a voluntary donation on county citizens' tax bills. Judge Griffin noted that the process could take a while if the court voted to approve it. The court will revisit after working out some of the logistical issues that some of the elected officials pointed out.
The court members approved the 2025 Holiday Schedule for the county. They also voted to keep the Quorum Court meetings at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of each month.
The court passed a resolution authorizing Judge Griffin to apply for CDBG grant funds. These funds will go towards the Weyerhaeuser project and would see the county act as custodian of the funds. The grant is estimated to bring in nearly $6 million.
Judge Griffin informed the court members that they would be receiving the 2023 Legislative Audit Report Summary. They have each been mailed a copy.
The court members selected Steve Pigott to represent the county at the Quorum Court Association meetings.
Scott Barrilleaux, President of Baptist Health Medical Center-Drew County, stated that December 3 marked one year under the Baptist Health banner. He stated that things are going well. They, like most hospitals in the state, are struggling with the reimbursement system.
“We are learning to deliver health care in a more efficient way because of the fact that we are a part of the largest healthcare system in the state,” Barrilleaux said.
With nothing further, the Quorum Court was adjourned until February’s meeting.