Sanders requests fed­eral aid for storm damaged counties


Gov. Sarah Hucka­bee Sanders recently reques­ted a major dis­aster declar­a­tion from Pres­id­ent Joe Biden to sup­port ongo­ing recov­ery efforts in counties impacted by severe winter weather that occurred from January 30 through February 2.

Drew County was included as one of 13 counties in the Natural State that was affected by the severe winter weather.

“According to Caleb Bryant at the Drew County Office of Emergency Management, clean up efforts are ongoing at this time,” Drew County Judge Jessie Griffin stated. “We are tracking our man hours and equipment used and will be ready to turn in any needed paperwork.”

Sleet and freez­ing rain dur­ing that time caused about 80,000 power out­ages and two deaths in Arkan­sas, accord­ing to her let­ter.

“The sheer mag­nitude of this event cre­ated dis­astrous amounts of debris, caused extens­ive power out­ages, and res­ul­ted in the death of two Arkansans and the injury of many oth­ers,” a news release quoted the gov­ernor as say­ing. “We have determ­ined that these storms were of such sever­ity and mag­nitude that effect­ive response is bey­ond the cap­ab­il­it­ies of the State and affected local gov­ern­ments, and that sup­ple­ment­ary fed­eral assist­ance is neces­sary. Thir­teen hard-hit Arkan­sas counties have sus­tained sig­ni­fic­ant dam­age to infra­struc­ture, busi­nesses, agri­cul­ture, and prop­erty, and we must provide these Arkansans with the assist­ance they need to fully recover.”

Sanders reques­ted assist­ance for those 13 counties, all but two of which are in south and south­east Arkan­sas. The 13 counties are Brad­ley, Cal­houn, Clev­e­land, Dal­las, Desha, Drew, Grant, Jef­fer­son, Lin­coln, Nevada, Ouachita, Searcy and Stone.

“This has been a constant clean up since the storm,” Griffin added. “We are taking debris to the landfill and we have a burn site at the fairgrounds.”

Accord­ing to Sanders’ let­ter, Arkan­sas sus­tained an estim­ated $8.9 mil­lion in dam­ages in Cat­egor­ies A, B and F, which includes debris removal, emer­gency pro­tect­ive meas­ures and util­it­ies. Most of that dam­age was to util­it­ies, accord­ing to the let­ter.

Pre­lim­in­ary dam­age estim­ates show a huge impact to local jur­is­dic­tions, with dam­ages as high as $199.71 per res­id­ent in Clev­e­land County, wrote Sanders.

“Because sev­eral of the hard­est hit areas also exper­i­enced major dam­age to infra­struc­ture, industry, trade and local busi­nesses, as well as agri­cul­tural enter­prises, it is expec­ted that applic­a­tions for dis­aster related unem­ploy­ment will be high,” Sanders wrote in the let­ter to Biden.

“While infra­struc­ture is cru­cial to eco­nomic growth, cit­izens also play a vital role in the need for recov­ery efforts,” Sanders added.

The per­cent­age of people liv­ing below the poverty level in the 13 affected counties is 21.1 percent, with Nevada County rep­res­ent­ing the largest per­cent­age of 27.7 percent, accord­ing to Sanders’ let­ter.

Statewide, 17.6 percent of Arkansans are below the poverty level, and the state ranks as the sev­enth most impov­er­ished, Sanders wrote.

Arkan­sas has had sev­eral rounds of severe weather since the begin­ning of the year, accord­ing to the gov­ernor’s let­ter.

U.S. Senators John Boozman and Tom Cotton, along with Congressmen Rick Crawford, French Hill, Steve Womack and Bruce Westerman, wrote to President Joe Biden urging him to support Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ request for a major disaster declaration for the 13 Arkansas counties.

“Arkansans have demonstrated resourcefulness and resilience during this challenging time. But as it stands, we believe the magnitude of this weather event warrants supplemental federal assistance. The above-mentioned counties have seen homes, businesses, and important infrastructure severely damaged, and federal government resources will be critical in our restoration efforts,” members wrote in the letter. 

Besides aid for the 13 counties, Sanders also reques­ted statewide haz­ard mit­ig­a­tion assist­ance.

Her let­ter to Pres­id­ent Biden was sent through George A. Robin­son of Denton, Texas, regional admin­is­trator of the Fed­eral Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency’s Region 6.