As a fundraiser for The Seark Miracle League, The Widows Sons Freeborn Chapter worked hard to sell 400 chicken plates donated and cooked by Tyson. They even had a Miracle League athlete, Abigail, stop by. She got lots of high fives and a Widows Sons Coin.
The Seark Miracle League board and athletes would like to thank everyone who purchased plates, donated, and spread the word. And a special thank you to Beer’s Hometown Appliances and more, who purchased 100 plates to celebrate their grand opening.
Special thanks to Gary Farrer, Tim Hawkins and Scott Jones from Tyson and to our Widows Sons Free Born Chapter family. Jim “Hob-O” Moffatt, Alicia “Hot Lips” Moffatt ,Troy “T-Moe” Meaux, Melody “Shine” Meaux, Roger “Buck” Owen, Ronald “Double R” Russell, Randy “Dragon” Mitchell, Ricky “Funsize” Fleming, Georgie “Trouble” Fleming, Mark “Tracker” Allen, Doug “Inspector” Pearson, Brian “Easy-B” Rodgers, Mellissa “Gabby” Rodgers, Johnie “Grumps” Stewart, Alicia “LeLe” Stewart, David “Slingshot” Mowles, Joe “Big U” Chaney, and Thomas “Stump” Lampirez.
Miracle League appreciate the 10 years of support you have shown our Seark Miracle League Athletes