Monticello Dance Academy has competed in two Regional Dance Competitions these past two weekends. GROOVE in Maumelle, February 3rd and 4th; BRAVO in Little Rock, February 10th and 11th. They will be traveling to Maumelle again for VIP March 2nd and 3rd. At GROOVE, MDA only took about half of their routines as this was an optional competition. For BRAVO, they went full force!
MDA’s Competition Team consists of 60+ dancers. The team of teachers includes Allison Neill (Director/Teacher/Choreographer), and Annagail Ferrell, Olivia Wilson, and Natalie Cooper (all Teachers/Choreographers). MDA also had several guest choreographers come in to set some amazing routines.
Each competition includes Adjudication Awards (your individual score based on points earned from a panel of three judges), Special Judges’ Awards, Category/Division Winners, and sometimes other Honors depending on what each competition has to offer. Performers compete in different Age divisions and Levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) based on how many years/hours they have taken or take dance weekly.
For GROOVE, the highest Adjudication was an Elite Diamond, followed by a Diamond, then Elite Sapphire. For BRAVO, the highest Adjudication was Platinum, followed by an Elite High Gold, then a High Gold.
STUDIO AWARD: MDA received the honor at GROOVE for the ADCC Studio of Excellence Award. This is for a studio that represents a “well oiled machine” from top to bottom in all aspects of dance, including choreography, technique, and professionalism. This award also represents a studio that exemplifies the mission and the purpose of the ADCC which is to promote quality, integrity, and opportunity in the dance world.
Listed below are the group routines and their accomplishments from both GROOVE and BRAVO:
“Compare to You” (Teen Lyrical Small Group)- Diamond, 2nd in the category, 6th overall, Platinum, Category Winner, 1st overall, Outstanding Choreography Award
“Elizabeth Taylor” (Senior Contemporary Small Group)- Diamond, 1st in the category, 2nd overall, Industry Dance Award People’s Choice (chosen by judges, all members receive a scholarship to attend a summer dance intensive), Platinum, “Lovely Layering” Special Judges’ Award, 4th overall
“Listen” (Senior Jazz Small Group)- Diamond, 1st in the category, 3rd overall, Elite High Gold
“Work” (Teen Hip Hop Large Group)- Diamond, 1st in the category, Elite High Gold, 5th overall, Entertainment Award
“By Your Side” (Teen Contemporary LINE)- Diamond, 1st in the category, One Beat Standout Award, 1st overall, Platinum, 1st overall, Standing Ovation Award
“Welcome to the Party” (Junior Hip Hop Large Group)- Platinum, 3rd overall
“Never Gonna Let You Down” (Junior Contemporary Large Group)- Platinum, 2nd overall, Outstanding Choreography Award
“Run Freedom Run” (Junior Musical Theatre Large Group)- Platinum, 1st overall, Standing Ovation Award
“ Open Hands” (Junior Lyrical Small Group)- Elite High Gold, 4th overall
“Fly Away” (Junior Tap Small Group)- High Gold
“Fashionista” (Junior Jazz Small Group)- Platinum, 2nd overall, “Runway Rockstars” Special Judges’ Award
“I Can’t Stop” (Teen Jazz Large Group)- Platinum, 4th overall
“Shoulder to Shoulder” (Teen Lyrical Large Group)- Platinum, 3rd overall, Outstanding Choreography Award
“Cosmin Love” (Teen Contemporary Small Group)- Platinum, 3rd overall
“All I Am” (Teen Tap Small Group)- Platinum, 5th overall
“Light” (Teen Lyrical Small Group)- High Gold
“The Buzz (Teen Jazz Small Group)- Elite High Gold
“Make It Look Easy” (Petite Jazz Small Group)- Platinum, Category Winner, 3rd overall, Entertainment Judges’ Award
Listed below are our Duets/Trios and their awards from both GROOVE and BRAVO:
Preslee Pennington & Zoe Lauhon- “Holdin’ Out” (Petite Contemporary)- Diamond, 1st in the category, 2nd overall, Platinum, 2nd overall, Platinum, 2nd overall
Chloe Sanders & Sidney Ballard- Elite Diamond, 1st in the category, 3rd overall, Elite High Gold
Madelyn Terry & Olivia Harrod- Diamond, 1st in the category, Platinum, 2nd overall
Emma Spears & Alayna Veasey- Platinum, 2nd overall
Madelyn Terry & Caroline Cogbill- Platinum, 3rd overall
Rowan Tyson, Sophie Herrera, and Kathryn Hartshorn- Elite High Gold, 4th overall
Kael Fuqua, Madison Gulley, and Presley Mashburn- Elite High Gold
Lynley Fletcher & Rachel Prince- Elite High Gold
Listed below are our Solos and their awards from both GROOVE and BRAVO:
Preslee Pennington- Diamond, 1st in the category, Elite High Gold
Adalynn Felts- Diamond, 1st in the category, 2nd overall, Platinum, Lovely Pictures Special Judges’ Award, 3rd overall
Ava Hill- High Gold
Callie Grace Mendez- Elite High Gold
Arria Hansburg- Elite High Gold
Morgan Moore- Elite High Gold, Personality Plus Special Judges’ Award, 6th overall
Zoe Lauhon- Power Package Special Judges’ Award, Diamond, 1st in the category, 1st overall, Platinum, Category Winner, 2nd overall
Elena Tate- Elite High Gold
McKinleigh McGraw- Platinum, Capture the Idea Special Judges’ Award, 7th overall
Paislyn Nealey- Diamond, 7th overall
Kael Fuqua- Elite High Gold
Emberlynn Dreher- Elite Sapphire, 1st in the category
Jazmin Cortes competes two solos. Her contemporary received Diamond, Platinum, and category winner. Her open routine received a Diamond, 2nd in the category, Platinum, and 5th overall.
Jaxson Cotner competes two solos. His contemporary received a Star Quality Judges’ Special Award, Diamond, 1st in the category, 2nd overall, Platinum, and Can’t Teach Talent Special Judges’ Award. His jazz received a Platinum and 2nd Overall.
Lauren Cruce- Diamond, 2nd in the category, 9th overall, Platinum, and 3rd overall.
Caroline Cogbill- Elite High Gold
Emma Spears competes two solos. Her contemporary received a Diamond and an Elite High Gold. Her jazz received a High Gold.
Parker Simpson competes two solos. Her Jazz received a Diamond, 1st in the category, 5th overall, Platinum, and 2nd overall. Her tap received an Elite Diamond, 1st in the category, 1st overall, and an Elite High Gold.
Jaicee Hatfield- Platinum, Category Winner, 4th overall
Emma Pace competes two solos. Her tap received a Razzle Dazzle Judges’ Special Award, Diamond, 1st in the category, and 2nd overall. Her jazz received an Elite High Gold.
Addie Rae Boren- Diamond, 1st in the category, 10th overall, Elite High Gold
Madelyn Terry- Photogenic Overall Winner for ages 13 and over, Convention Scholarship Winner, Diamond, 3rd in the category, 4th overall, Platinum, Category Winner, 4th overall
Lillie Kate Green- Diamond, 2nd in the category, 5th overall, Platinum, Passion and Pure Joy Special Judges’ Award, 6th overall
Ty’Veonna Williams- High Gold
Ryeli Ashcraft- High Gold
Mackenzi Head- Diamond, Elite High Gold
Madelyn Boardman- Diamond, Platinum, 6th overall
Savannah Peacock- Diamond, Elite High Gold
Madison Anderson- Sass and Class Special Judges’ Award, Diamond, 2nd in the category, Platinum, 8th overall
Caroline Wilson- Platinum, Category Winner, 1st overall
Rowan Tyson- Elite High Gold
Sophie Herrera- Elite High Gold
Taylor McDonald- Elite High Gold
Hayden Culpepper- Convention Scholarship Winner, Diamond, 2nd in the category, 7th overall, Elite High Gold, 9th overall
Chloe Sanders- Diamond, 2nd in the category, 2nd overall, Elite High Gold, Sizzlin’ Style Special Judges’ Award
McKenzye Hogg competes two solos. Her contemporary received a Diamond, 2nd in the category, 7th overall, Platinum, Category Winner, and Pure Joy Special Judges’ Award. Her lyrical received a Platinum and 5th overall.
Sidney Ballard- Convention Scholarship Winner, Amazing Arches Special Judges’ Award, Diamond, 3rd in the category, 7th overall, Platinum
Chloe Armbrust- Elite High Gold
Elle McDonald- Elite High Gold
Lynley Fletcher- Platinum, Fantastic Footwork Special Judges’ Award, 5th overall
Rachel Prince- Elite High Gold