Monticello Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - April 2022


The regular monthly meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission was called to order by Commission Chair Dan Boice at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. Missionary Lou Lambert opened the meeting with a prayer.

Members present were Nick Akers, Dan Boice, Kathy Campbell, Bubba Groves, Esbeida Higgenbotham, Jay Jones, Lou Lambert, and Ray Ryburn.  John Davis was absent. Boice declared a quorum.
Also in attendance were Fire Marshal Dale Jones and Mayor Chase.

February Minutes:  Miss Lou MOVED to approve the February minutes as distributed, which motion was seconded and CARRIED.

Membership: Dan reported that Jo Ann Smith-Lee had regretfully resigned from the Commission, and the Commissioners welcomed Esbeida.

Public Forum:  Miss Yvonne Washington appeared before the Commission and asked for an extension to her application for plumbing and electrical hookups. She noted that the pandemic had made it impossible for her to obtain the hookups within the stipulated ninety-day limit.


Report of the Fire Marshal:  Fire Marshal Jones reported approval of thirty-seven permits. He has been busy!

Secretary:  With the resignation of Jo Ann, the office of Secretary is vacant. Dan asked the Commissioners to consider serving or to develop some other option.


Strategic Doing Workshop: A report on the March 8 event from the Center for Community & Economic Development had been distributed to the Commission, and is attached to these minutes. Members reported on and discussed the three short-term projects that are underway.
            a.         Development Youth Shooting Sports event
            b.         Promotion of local events and festivals
            c.         Development of a guide to Drew County mental health resources

Public Forums: The Commission discussed the forums, which were held on March 15 and 16, and the minutes of which are attached to the minutes. Dan thanked the Commissioners for their assistance and in helping spark discussion. The Commission noted the strong interest in strengthening the city’s water infrastructure, as well as in more family-friendly activities. The results of these forums will inform the drafting of the Plan.

Armory Update

Jay reported that Municipal League Planning Advisor Jim von Tungeln had met with Mayor Chase, Dan, and himself on April 8th, toured the Armory, and discussed our hopes and concerns. He is now preparing a Request For Proposals. After public input, the Commission will make a recommendation to City Council.


Extension for Plumbing and Electrical Hookup: The Commission discussed Ms. Washington’s request for an extension. Ray MOVED “Approval of recommending to City Council a ninety-day extension to her application for electrical and plumbing hookups,” which motion was seconded and CARRIED.

Plan: Dan noted that the Commission has followed the State Code in having maps made and in gathering data, and we are now ready to begin drafting a Plan. Dan suggested that we focus on five areas, and that the Commissioners form into task forces in order to write up plans for:
1.         Infrastructure
2.         Transportation / Mobility
3.         Land Use
4.         Housing
5.         Quality of Life

            Dan requested that members come to the May meeting ready to choose which areas they wish to focus on.

McClelland Engineering Fifteen-Year Plan for Monticello:  Mayor Chase outlined the plan for the city, noting that the first project will be repaving Main Street and, as part of the project, building a new water main to be located under the sidewalk. The state will be paying for the repaving, and this will be a golden opportunity to replace the pipes that are now over a century old.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.